Best Music of 2024 – Underrated Works
Well, my best of list for 2024 grew to the biggest number since I’ve been doing this – 92 albums! I listened to a whole lot of music this year and there was SO much great stuff! During the second half of December, when all the “best of” lists start coming out, I usually compare my list with all the others to see how “out of sync” or “in sync” my music taste is with the critics. This year, I […]
Now and Then – Billboard Hot 100
During the week of January 25th, 1964, When I was 6 months old, the Beatles had their first # 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100. During November of 2023, when I was 60 years old, The Beatles again had a brand new song enter into the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100. “Now and Then” peaked at number 7 on the chart! When this remarkable thing happened, I decided to do something I NEVER do… Listen to the […]
Back in April of 2022, I published a blog post about the evolution of my band Tumble. This was written during the time that bassist Rob Holland was playing with us. Since that time, the band has continued to evolve and grow. We have come full circle – initial trio era (14-15); quartet era with bassist Bill Douglas (16-18); quartet with Rob Holland (18-22); and now… back to being a trio once again. The trio format presents musical dialogue in […]
Through These Trees
Three and a half years ago, my daughter Mei Lin invited two of her musician friends – Kyle Ledson & Django Ruckrich – to join her for a mini-set performance in our garage. This performance was live-streamed around the world as a part of The California Bluegrass Association’s “Jam-a-Thon” event during the heart of the COVID pandemic. I could have never guessed at the time what would emerge from that musical meeting! Broken Compass Bluegrass has evolved into a creative […]
Best of 2023 – Bluegrass/Country/Americana
It should be obvious to anyone reading my blog posts that my music tastes are wildly eclectic. There are so many genres of music that I have enjoyed exploring! Bluegrass has held a very special place in my musical life. Back in the ‘90s when I was first discovering Big Monroe’s high lonesome sound, my brother Darrel started playing banjo. Soon family visits would always include living room jams. Then in ’02, I moved to Grass Valley, the home of […]
Wayne Shorter
Back in 1978, when I was 14 years old, I got a copy of Steely Dan’s album “Aja”. Listening to this album was like entering into a new undiscovered world. Around this time, I was getting into jazz and my introduction to the art form was initially through bands on the poppier edge – bands like Spyro Gyra and Seawind. “Aja” is just as much of a jazz album as it a pop album, and when it was released, it […]
Rumi By Moonlight
Some projects come together quickly and easily, others evolve slowly over time. Somewhere around 10 years ago, I discovered the quatrains of the 13th century Persian poet Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī. Quatrains are four line poems. There was something about Rumi’s work in this terse, compact format that deeply appealed to me. My initial exposure to these poems was through a book of versions of Rumi by Coleman Barks & John Moyne called “Open Secret”. I ended up composing a piece […]
The Art of the Piano Trio
t’s International Piano Day – the 88th day of the year! The piano was my first instrument. In the late 1950’s, my Dad purchased a Conover upright piano. I am fortunate enough to still have possession of this piano that was in my family since before I was born. When I was in 5th grade, my sister Linda and I both started taking piano lessons from Mrs. Smith (I wish to God I could remember her first name!). She was […]
Best of 2022 – Short Plays
I’m really old-school. When it comes to music listening, I do not do Pandora or streaming music channels. The way that many people listen to music nowadays is very song focused. I still think in terms of albums and I look at an album as a cohesive statement from an artist at a certain point in history. To me, an album is like a film or a novel, all the individual songs inform the whole story or image that the […]
Ross Hammond and the Making of Midsummer Dialogues.
Last Summer my band Tumble was taking a little hiatus. During this time, I felt a real hankering to find a new music project to help fill in the void. I had been listening quite a bit to Sacramento guitarist Ross Hammond’s new album “Flow State” and really enjoying it! I remembered that Ross did quite a number of long distance collaborative albums with other artists during the initial COVID shelter in place. On a whim…I had the idea of […]